Race Car Preparation

Rowse motors has had over 30 year of experience in motorsport from racing ourselves to building and preparing cars from the likes of Larry Perkins, Garry Rogers and many other successful people.
We can do everything from a basic check over and service of your race car to building and developing your racing engine, chassis, or even exhaust system.
Below is some of the benefits of having your race car prepared by Rowse Motors.
A race car which has been properly prepared in the shop has many advantages but some racers tend to overlook this very important element of racing. It’s far too common to see racers wash dirt from the previous race from the car, load it on the trailer and drive off to the next race. Let’s look for a moment at what happens when a car is not properly prepared. The first clue is usually the first session on track when something does not perform correctly. This may mean an early retirement from the session, sometimes an embarrassing flat tow back to the paddock and then a frantic spurt of work to get the car ready for the next session. This process sometimes snowballs and continues throughout the weekend with frustrating results. Such race weekends are rarely either successful or enjoyable.
A secondary result of improper prep is the additional parts and supplies which are inevitably used or used up. These can be as minor as gasket sealer and safety wire or more expensive, such as brake pads, wheel bearings or ring-and-pinion assemblies.
It should be obvious that a third result is that a driver’s finishing position will be adversely affected by the poor performance of the car. Considering all these negative attributes, it’s a mystery why so many choose to ignore proper attention to all the details on a race car which can ruin a weekend.